"Listen, Norman, it's the loons." -- On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson Yesterday, it was noted here Bill O'Reilly fulminating at length about how NBC had said nothing about drone strikes, that neither he nor his crack staff had found "anything" about drones on NBC. I then wondered how he would twist reality into seeming like he never did precisely what was claimed. He did the No-Fact Zone proud. On his broadcast Thursday night, Mr. O'Reilly made clear that the awful, deceitful, crazy people on the left totally missed what he had actually been talking about. “Now, last night, I talked with Bob Beckel about the difference in analysis on the subject of 'waterboarding' as compared to killing people with 'drones,' a policy that President Obama embraces. I put forth that NBC News and other media places, they were hysterical over waterboarding, but muted over President Obama’s drone attacks, at least until yesterday." Yipers, shame on the far left, indeed. In fact, Bill O'Reilly heaped plenty of shame around himself. "So once again, we have a propaganda campaign designed to make ignorant people on the left even more ignorant. Factor Tip Of The Day: Don't deal with loons." Forgetting for a moment that polls regularly show the far right viewers of the so-called "Fox News" as being significantly more uninformed than other Americans (outside of, perhaps, pre-schoolers), what Mr. O'Reilly ignores is...well, what he actually said. To repeat from yesterday -- "Heard anything on NBC about the drones? ... You haven't heard anything over there about this, neither have I, neither has my staff ... we heard a lot about waterboarding, but nothing about drone strikes." And what we also heard nothing about was "analysis." Though we did hear a lot about drones. And so Bill O'Reilly droned on. Elisberg Industries Tip Of the Day: Don't deal with Fox "News" It's the drones, Norman. Listen....
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AuthorRobert J. Elisberg is a political commentator, screenwriter, novelist, tech writer and also some other things that I just tend to keep forgetting. Feedspot Badge of Honor
February 2025
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