Every year around this time, there are articles about which recorded version of A Christmas Carol is "the best." Usually it comes down to the films that starred either Alistair Sim or Reginald Owen.
But for me, it's this one. It's not a movie, though, or a TV production. It's, of all things, an audio version that was done in 1960 for, I believe, the BBC. It's quite wonderful and as good an adaptation of the story as I've come across. It stars Sir Ralph Richardson as Scrooge, and Oscar-winner Paul Scofield as Dickens, the narrator. Casts don't get much better than that. I first heard this on radio station WFMT in Chicago which has been playing this every Christmas Eve for many decades. (And still does.) Eventually, I found it on audio tape. I've listened to it annually since I was a kidling. Some years I think I won't listen to it this year, but put it on for a few minutes for tradition's sake -- but after the first sentence it sucks me in. There are four reasons why, for me, this is far and away the best version. But one reason leaps out. First, the acting is as good as it gets. Scofield is crisp and emphatic as the narrator,and almost every creak of his voice draws you in to the world, and Richardson as Scrooge is a Christmas pudding joy. Second, being radio, you aren't limited by budgets to create the Dickensian world. Your imagination fills in every lush and poverty-stricken, nook and cranny -- and ghostly spirit, aided by moody sound effects and violins. Third, the adaptation sticks closely to the Dickens tale, and Scrooge comes across more a realistic, rounded-person than as a Mythic Icon. And fourth, and most of all by far, unlike any of the other version, this includes...Dickens. While the story of A Christmas Carol is beloved, it's Dickens' writing that makes it even more vibrant than the story alone is. And that's all lost in the movie versions, even down even to the legendary opening line, "Marley was dead, to begin with." Or any of the other classic narrative lines. Or the richness of Dickens setting the mood and tone and description of the gritty and ephemeral and emotional world. All that's gone in movies, good as the productions may be. But all of that is here in this radio adaptation, and Scofield's reading of it is joyously wonderful and memorable. For many, this will be A Christmas Carol unlike any other you're aware of, giving it a meaning and richness you didn't realize was there. The ending of the tale is so much more moving and joyful here, as we listen to Dickens' own words, that begin with "Scrooge was better than his word. He did it all, and infinitely more," and it soars from there, to perhaps my favorite passage about the new Scrooge and how good he is in the "good old world. Or any other good old world." If you have the time or inclination, do give it a listen. If only for five minutes to at least get the flavor. You might find yourself sticking around. Let it play in the background, if you have other things to do. It runs about 55 minutes. (Side note: speaking of Dickens, if you know the original cast album of Oliver!, the actor here who plays the Ghost of Christmas Present, Willoughby Goddard, was Mr. Bumble on Broadway and in the original London production.) This might not play immediately, since it's a large file and may have to buffer first. But be patient, it's worth it.
Garrett Kieran
12/19/2020 05:43:54 pm
If you don't mind my asking, how do you know the Present Ghost is Willoughby Goddard? No cast members are named off on the recording.
Robert Elisberg
12/20/2020 09:35:24 am
Garrett, thanks for your note. Two reasons -- one, I've heard both "Oliver!" cast albums a great many times over the decades, and I 100% recognize his voice. And the second reason is even more certain: as I I write in the piece, classical radio station WFMT in Chicago used to play this every year for probably 40-50 years -- and after it would end, they'd always give the credentials of the broadcast, including who played who.
Garrett Kieran
12/21/2020 12:37:52 pm
I see. Well, by chance, do you have the full cast list? And if so, would you mind giving it to me? I'm always interested in those details.
Robert Elisberg
12/21/2020 03:33:14 pm
Garrett, thanks again for checking back. I used Google to do a search and found the information pretty easily. Here it is --
Garrett Kieran
12/22/2020 08:57:42 pm
Thanks a lot, Robert. That should come in real handy. I may opt to add this audio recording to the 'other works' section of those actors' IMDb pages.
Robert Elisberg
12/23/2020 10:48:44 am
We aims to please. And as for the whimsy of timing, I will be most-appropriately posting it again tomorrow night, on Christmas Eve, as always.
Robert Elisberg
7/21/2024 03:31:51 pm
Carson -- well, thank you. And I'll be posting it again next Christmas Eve...
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AuthorRobert J. Elisberg is a political commentator, screenwriter, novelist, tech writer and also some other things that I just tend to keep forgetting. Feedspot Badge of Honor
February 2025
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